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I found Lola by accident one day when I was in Corsicana. She was about 1 ½ year old and a rescue dog, staying with a volunteer who was trying to find a home for her. She had already been with two owners;  the first owner was a truck driver who used to take her with him on trips until she got larger and it was not as easy to have her along. The second owner was an older couple who took her in,  but had to give her back to the shelter when the husband passed away. I was told she would be put to sleep if another home was not found soon. Bertha and I were getting married and I thought Lola would make a great guard dog.  Lola was and is anything but a guard dog! She is too friendly and wants attention from everyone. She rarely even barks,  but will howl. My wife and I became very attached to Lola and treated her more like our child than the family pet.


Lola fractured her front right foot a couple of years ago. She wore a cast for a few weeks and the fracture seemed to heal well. In December of last year she started limping occasionally,  then the limping got more pronounced so in January of this year we took her to the vet,  thinking that she fractured her leg again. She never really cried out or winced in pain – just the limp.  Our regular Vet diagnosed her with Osteosarcoma. Bertha and I were shocked to hear of the diagnosis. Our Vet recommended a second opinion with Dr. Kovac at the Animal Diagnostic Clinic.


Dr. Kovac confirmed the diagnosis. We talked about the possible treatment plans,  with surgery and chemo being the only real option due to the aggressive nature of the cancer. Then when we found out the cost of surgery and follow-up chemo we were once again devastated, depressed, and confused as to go through with the treatment, make her as comfortable as possible, or put her to sleep.  We decided she was to much a part of us to do anything but follow the recommended surgery and chemo.  The cost was something we would have to bear and find a way to make it possible. 


Dr. Kovac is the person who made us aware of Dogslife. We completed the application and waited to hear back. We pushed Dr. Kovac for an appointment for surgery as soon as possible due to the aggressive cancer and were allowed to proceed earlier than originally scheduled due to a cancellation. Although we did not get a decision on our application before her surgery,  we were able to be accepted after surgery and have it apply to the chemo treatment half of Lola’s treatment plan. I remember getting the phone call while at work that our application was accepted and would receive financial aid; I was feeling emotional,  thankful, and yet without words. My wife and I are so extremely happy and thankful to have received the grant from Dogslife and it has taken an immense burden from us to be able to follow through with Lola’s treatment due to your generosity and compassion.

-Jerry Bolin (February 2023)

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